Sunday, November 1, 2009

To everything there is a season....

Obviously I have had an "extended" season and blogging has taken a major backseat. While I am a procrastinator, my main excuses are...moving twice in less than a year and adding a new member to the family...our baby boy, Jake, and then there is just life in general! Oh well, here goes my attempt to re-kindle the blogging fire. Mostly I do it to keep a family journal/record and at the nagging of friends and family. My brother Matt recently teased me, "Amanda! The Rochester Panel...seriously!?, you really need to update your blog!" Okay, okay! Bear with me though because I'm going to try to post in order and I have a lot of ground to cover, so patience...please!


Brittany and Marcin said...

only 2 moves in a year? just kidding. glad to see you've re-joined the blogging world! can't wait for the updates.

Allison said...

See, if you'd kept up the blog I would have known you were pregnant, but nooooo...I had to join facebook and find out you'd just had the little guy!

Can't wait to see more pictures of your adorable family! Yay for blogs!

Shallan said...

Yay!! You are no longer at the bottom of my list for blog updates!! :-) I know its hard finding the time to sit down and write a blog, but I'm glad you are trying! Its fun seeing pics of your adorable family!

Arkansas Vaclaw's said...

I almost had a heart attack when I saw you at the top of my most recent blog updates!! YAY!! Love all of the pics and cant wait to see more! I will be as patient as I can... but I WANT MORE!!! HA! Love ya

Christiansen Clan said...

hahaha! it's about darn time!

vaclaw family said...

Yes, I was going for "shock and awe" and I think I succeeded! Just kidding, I owe it all to guilt,(mostly my own, although I'll give some of you credit:)) my one great motivater and the 6th sense that is endowed to all women when they become mothers! Let's hear it for GUILT! Haha!